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Episode 10 - Close Calls

In an instant, a situation can go from fun to dangerous. In this episode, we think back on those moments when laughter was replaced by worry, pain, and fear. We consider ourselves to be quite lucky because some of these moments were truly close calls.

Podcast 10 2009-09-12

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Reader Comments (1)

Sigh!!! I'm waiting for the law to come and get me for child neglect or something. Honestly, it was a never ending adventure colored with challenges, tissue, and dna. Witessing the stitching seemed to be a consistent happening. Cleaning gravel from your limbs, and treating the infections caused by our every day living was slightly pioneer. You certainly lived life unafraid. You are all still living life unafraid. Love to you all, Ma

September 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterMom
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